Thursday 18 September 2014

Storyline Online

I was teaching a half day and the classroom teacher had this up on the Smartboard for the students. They were all really engaged with the story and I couldn't resist asking about this resource. After having a look around the website I think that this is going to be one of my new favourite resources for relief teaching. Two of my favourite stories that are included in this website are "A Bad Case of the Stripes" and "I Need My Monster." There are lots of activities that can be used with these books so this site creates the perfect introduction to the lesson. (Assuming that is, that the classroom you are teaching in has access to the internet.)

Storyline Online

Monday 8 September 2014

Let's Put a Pin in it.

Almost every time I am in the classroom I am always asked questions which I would like to answer but wither don't have the time to or don't know the answers to. I try to encourage students to ask lots and lots of questions so I get disappointed when I am unable to follow up these more challenging or time reliant questions.

I have seen in some classrooms boards where students are encouraged to write these questions down and then the class can return back to these questions later when there is more time. This reaffirms that every question is valid and deserves to be answered, as well as further encouraging students to ask questions.