Professional Practice - Year 5s

This was the second Professional Practice I completed. I had a year 5 class on this Prac which lasted for 20 days. Unfortunately I never found the time to photograph all the amazing work that the students completed. We did lots of art activities and I don't have any photos to show:(  I did keep some of the worksheets and activities that I made for this Prac so that is what I will show here. I will try to explain how these linked into the fun activities that the students complete in the classroom.

  • History (Explorers) - To try and make the European discovery of Australia more exciting I created some word puzzles. The first puzzle is a basic word search using words that the students would come across during their history lessons. The second activity contained a coded message that the students had to solve in order to decipher what Dirk Hartog wrote on the pewter plate when he came to Australia. (This message is a modern take on what was actually written). The student who was able to solve the code first came up and wrote it on the board. We then discussed the message as a class.

  • History (Early Settlers) - This lesson was completed during the student computer lab session. Students explored the website written on their sheet. They then took the quiz after they had looked at the website. If students did not pass the first time they are able to have another look at the website and reattempt the quiz. I differentiated this lesson by requiring the majority of the students to achieve 90 precent on the quiz and the students of lower ability to complete 70 precent.

  • History (Early Settlement) - This was the very last activity that I did on this Professional Practice and so I wanted to do something special. This was also the last lesson for the week so the students were tired and ready for the weekend so I knew I wouldn't get too much work from them. Before lunchtime I made two big batches of damper in the shared oven. I made sure that several of the students saw me doing this in order to raise their curiosity. Previously we had looked at stories from the My Place website about early settlers. I reminded the students of this and asked them if they remembered what the boy was eating in the video. The students then ate some of the damper that I had made and we discussed what it tasted like, what it looked like and how it is made. As a class we completed a recipe card on the Smartboard. I then had students complete this recipe for damper that they could then take home and make on the weekend.

  • Book Review - The class had different reading groups. I gave this activity to the whole class to complete on the books they were reading in their books. Once the students had completed their book reports I had students compare their book reports to the other students who read the same book. We compared the different star ratings the students gave the same books and talked about why some people would like a book and others not like it.

  • Poetry - These poems were created over three lessons, including two sessions in the computer lab. Once the students had their first draft of their poem completed they then spent time on the computers finding Synonyms for their key words. The aim of this was to expand their vocabulary and create more interesting poems.  In the next computer session they create their poems in the shape of the poem's subject. Some of the finished pieces were absolutely fantastic.

  • Art - This worksheet was the beginning of three lessons that looked at pattern. In this worksheet students crosshatched to blend primary colours to create secondary colours. Since this lesson I have seen the same activity done using a spinning top coloured with two primary colours. As the top spins it creates the secondary colour. I think that this idea would work a lot better than the worksheet as the students can see the colour combining to create the secondary colour a lot easier than with crosshatching. Students later went on to use primary and secondary colours to create a patterned artwork.

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