Tuesday 9 August 2016

Kandinsky Masterpieces

To conclude the art unit on Kandinsky, the students have completed their own art piece. They started by playing a version of "Roll-A-Masterpiece" students drew the different shapes on paper. They then used different coloured wax crayons to draw over their lead pencil shapes. Today students completed their art piece by washing over the crayon with watered down red and orange ink.  

Students then admired their artwork and the artwork of their peers. Each student completed a reflection statement about their artwork. Overall the students are very proud of their hard work and creativity, and so am I.

Friday 5 August 2016

Learning About Good Friends

Today I taught a lesson about friends, what good friends say and do. This was part of the who school "You Can Do It" social and emotional learning program. Students were asked to share the name of three of their friends. They then think/pair/shared what they liked about their friends and why they were friends. Then we brainstormed as a class all the different things that a good friend would say and what a good friend would do. Students then drew a picture of one of their friends and wrote what made them a good friend. It was Derby dress up day at school so most of the pictures that were drawn show students wearing their football shirts.