Tuesday 19 September 2017

Inclusive Education Survey

I am currently completing a Graduate Certificate in Education (Learning Difficulties). As part of one of my units, I have created a survey about teacher's experiences with inclusive education. It is a short survey with only 18 questions. I have posted the survey onto two Facebook groups whose members are exclusively teachers in Western Australia. I have offered an incentive in the form of a gift card to a teaching resource store. I am hoping that this will inspire people to complete the survey. Today is the first day the survey has been open and 16 people have replied. I am aiming for 150-200 people within 3 weeks. Fingers crossed.

I am really looking forward to interpreting the results of this survey and to find out how inclusive education is put into practice.  I will share the results once I have analysed the data.

Monday 4 September 2017

Concluding a unit in Mathematics.

For the past fee weeks, students have ben learning about shape, location and angles. To conclude this unit, and provide a chance for students to review mathematical concepts before they completed a written assessment, we created a KWL Chart as a class.

TO do this we used the words from our Maths Word Wall. Students independently used dictionaries and Ipads to learn the meanings of three concepts they were wanting to learn more about. Students then shared their learning with examples in small groups.