Tuesday 20 August 2013

Bibliotherapy and its use in the classroom.

"Bibliotherapy is the process of using books to help children think about, understand, and work through social and emotional concerns. Reading with children can be therapeutic.... Adults can use reading to help children come to grips with issues that create emotional turmoil for them. Reading can also be...very effective in preventing and resolving behaviour problems."

(from Positive Child Guidance by Darla Ferris Miller)

I had never heard of the term 'Bibliotherapy' until it came up during a lecture today. This concept fascinates me, and yet it seems so obvious. It makes me wonder why I never though of using books in this way before. After hearing about this concept I did a quick google search and came across some really good research on the use of bibliotherapy in the classroom.

Check out the links below if you are interested in learning more. Using bibliotherapy with children.

I have since started to follow a bibliotherapy board on Pinterest to start building up my resources on this topic. I will be on the look out for more comprehensive bibliotherapy resources and will update when I find some great stuff.

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