Tuesday 1 July 2014

The Animated Movie "9"

I am ashamed to say that I have owned a copy of this movie for a few years before I decided to watch it. This is not the usual type of movie that I would watch. It is animated, so  the kids instantly loved it, but it deals with some very mature themes. There is so much happening in this movie, so many questions it raises and asks of the audience, that it is beneficial to watch it more than once. My children are quite young and were able to take the movie at face value, but as a teacher I instantly though of the possibilities this movie could provide in a classroom setting. Although the movie is only rated PG, I think that it would be aimed at a year 7 level or higher. Questions and ideas raised in the movie include the difference between the mind and the soul, the power a soul has, the existence of heaven and possibility of reincarnation, the extinction of the human race, mankind's love affair with technology, and many more. There are many ways this movie could be used in the classroom. Even as an adult it is a lot to take it. I think the fact that it is presented to the viewer in the animated format allows the viewer to lower their guard, and then be surprised at how thought provoking this film can be. I would be interested to know if any teachers have actually used this film in any of their learning programs.

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