Wednesday 9 August 2017

Setting Goals

At the beginning of semester 2, I competed a goal setting task with my class. We created a whole class goal together and students create their own personal goals. Students set 'SMART' goals and designed their own hands that would be reaching up towards their goals. Our class goals included working better as a team and remembering to bring in our completed homework. We would do this by reminding each other about our homework, developing good study practices, supporting each other and using lift-ups, not put-downs. The students decided that we would know that we have achieved our gaols when we, as a class, reached 200 Dojo points for teamwork and homework. I can't wait to see if we are able to reach our goals.

We now have this display in our classroom. My favourite part of this is that students are now coming up to me saying "Mrs Hartley, I have already achieved my goal, I got 30/60 for my maths." At the beginning of next term we might review our goals. Students can set new goals and celebrate their success.

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