Sunday 6 October 2013

History on TV

Just watching a show on ABC called "Yagan". Fascinating stuff. It has been done so well and shows the history and importance of Yagan and the events leading up to Yagan's head being returned to his homeland. I love how they have used historically correct details with modern influences. Yagan's friend has tribal tattoos and cargo shorts. But these details detract nothing from the important message the program is presenting.

It is a shame this is a little too in depth for Primary school because I would love to share this with a class and discuss it with the students. At least I will now be able to tell a more accurate history about Yagan if a student asks me in the future.

(There is also a show on next week called "Buckskin" and it looks good too. I have to say that Screen Australia are producing some really good stuff at the moment. Its so good to see great modern programs about Australian History.)

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