Sunday 6 October 2013

School Holiday Fun

October school holidays are here, YAY.

I took the kids up to Perth on the train to meet a friend for lunch and we were an hour early, so we took the chance to explore the Perth Library. Well Perth was buzzing with lots of free activities for the kids so we participated in a few of these. This was part of the Awesome Festival the City of Perth was hosting. The kids wrote postcards as part of the Hope Street project which the older two really enjoyed. Then they completed a dream bottle. All the kids loved this activity, especially the youngest, he was so proud of the bottle he made.

I had never heard of the Hope Street project, and yes it sounds a little creepy but I am really interested to find out if the kids get a reply or not. Ella wrote to Hope Street in Toronto, and Logan wrote to Hope Street in Christchurch. The concept I think is lovely and really shows how small the internet has made our world.

The kids had to write their dream on the label and then two steps that would help their dream come true. They then had to speak their dream into the bottle, close it, decorate it, and then put it on display with all the other kids dreams. Ella's dream was is to be a netball champion. to achieve her dream she needs to follow two steps, to never give up, and to practice.

They received a certificate at the end of it and then we caught the train back home. It was a great day out and easy on the purse. Will definitely be going back later in the holidays to complete a few other free activities they have on offer.

These photos show the kids making their dream bottles, Logan speaking his dream into his dream bottle (to be a rock star), and drawing houses for the postcards.

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