Saturday 31 May 2014

Fine Tuning Behaviour Management as a Relief Teacher

I found a series of short videos on YouTube by Dr Bill Rogers who is a behaviour management specialist. I have watched a few of these and found this one below to be really interesting. This clip focuses on settling a class at the beginning of the day.

I really liked this short clip and can definitely see how as a relief teacher I could use this on a daily basis to establish control of a class. It made me think about the type of language I use in the classroom and whether or not I use positive language enough when I interact with the class. The aspect of calmness was also interesting. I would like to think of myself as a clam and relaxed teacher but I have been finding this a bit hard to achieve with some of the relief classes I have had recently. Maybe if I consciously started off each day in this positive and calm fashion it would help me set the tone for the day. I think this would also give the class a better perspective of the sort of teacher I aim to be.

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