Thursday 27 October 2016

Creating a Universe of Books

At the beginning of the term I introduced a new concept to my classroom. Every day we have Crunch and Sip so I took the opportunity to use this time to expose my students to a wide variety of books. Each day I select one student to chose a book from the class book shelf for me to read while the students eat their fruit and vegetables. We discuss if the book is a fiction or non-fiction text and the different features of each type of book. Most of the books are picture books, but if a chapter book is chosen, then we simply use a bookmark and place it back on the bookshelf waiting for another student to chose it. With each book selected, students are given a  star. On each star I write the students name and the title of the book. Students highly value the opportunity to place a star into our growing universe of books and are impressed with the vast number of books we have read this term.

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