Thursday 13 June 2013

Decorated Door

 Over the past two weeks my class have been decorating their classroom door using the theme "Storm Boy" as they have just finished reading the novel.
The students drew their favourite scene from "Storm Boy" at to draw it as a polaroid photo. They then added a caption on the bottom of the photo to give their drawing some context. These were then laminated and placed around the edge of the door and along the bottom.
The students worked on the door in small groups and each group had a certain responsibility. Once group completed the water and the fish, another the hills and trees, one group completed the sand and another the pelican.
The students absolutely loved this project. They are a very arts and crafts loving classroom and were enthusiastic to contribute. Many students bring their parents into the class in the mornings or afternoons to show off their marvellous creation.


Well done kids, it looks fabulous!!


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