Thursday 13 June 2013

History Year 4 - Early Explorers

This unit focused on the early explorers who came to the coast of Australia in the 1700's and 1800's. The unit started with the students brainstorming everything they knew about early explorers. These brainstorms were placed up on the display board in the classroom. The students also began a word wall so that they could write up all the words that were new to them along with their definitions. (the words are a little hard to read on the window)
After being introduced to early explorers the students undertook a research project which saw them investigate particular explorers. They completed this task in groups. After a few lessons of research and note taking they began working on their Report. These reports have also been put up in the classroom for everyone to see.
To conclude the unit on early explorers students were given a post-it note. On their post-it note they had to write their name and one thing that they learnt about an explorer. This had to be about an explorer the students did not research themselves. They were given five minutes to read the different reports. Then they wrote on their post-it note and stuck it up on the sticky note board. I collected these after the class.
A lot of students wrote about the work they were doing in history in their Friday Diary. They would often approach me telling me things they had read or learnt at home about different explorers. It was great to see the students take ownership and pride in their work. The class was always noisy during history but everyone was engaging so it was worth it. 

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