Saturday 22 June 2013

Pen Licence

I was busy creating a Pen Licence for the students in my prac class when my children asked if I could make one for them too. This is the version I made for them. I made the template in word so its as easy as copying and pasting their photos and typing in their names now. I have put in the school logo for the students on my prac as I don't have photos of the students. My children love them, but I can't wait to see what my mentor teacher thinks of them. Pen Licence's wont be used in the classroom until next term but I thought this would be a nice goodbye gesture as I complete my prac next week. If they go down well the other year 4 classes might use them too.
What do you think?

Front and back view of the Pen Licence. Laminated and then signed by the students in permanent marker.


  1. These are fantastic. Am I able to access the template?
    Victorian 3/4 teacher.

  2. my password is 1million
