I created some writing prompts that can be used in various ways in the classroom. To create these I combed the internet for writing prompts and then chose my favourite ones to use. They cover a variety of writing styles, topics an cater for all primary years. I then designed how I wanted the cards to look, printed them out, laminated them, cut them out, and placed them onto a key ring. I ended up with around 55 different prompt cards.
These can be used to provide myself with ideas when setting creative writing lessons, or can be placed in the classroom for students to look through when they are stuck for writing ideas.
Monday, 25 November 2013
Friday, 11 October 2013
Local history
I found this book at the new library in kwinana. It was a gold coin donation. I think it will be an interesting resource for when I teach in my local schools.
Sunday, 6 October 2013
School Holiday Fun
October school holidays are here, YAY.
I took the kids up to Perth on the train to meet a friend for lunch and we were an hour early, so we took the chance to explore the Perth Library. Well Perth was buzzing with lots of free activities for the kids so we participated in a few of these. This was part of the Awesome Festival the City of Perth was hosting. The kids wrote postcards as part of the Hope Street project which the older two really enjoyed. Then they completed a dream bottle. All the kids loved this activity, especially the youngest, he was so proud of the bottle he made.
I had never heard of the Hope Street project, and yes it sounds a little creepy but I am really interested to find out if the kids get a reply or not. Ella wrote to Hope Street in Toronto, and Logan wrote to Hope Street in Christchurch. The concept I think is lovely and really shows how small the internet has made our world.
The kids had to write their dream on the label and then two steps that would help their dream come true. They then had to speak their dream into the bottle, close it, decorate it, and then put it on display with all the other kids dreams. Ella's dream was is to be a netball champion. to achieve her dream she needs to follow two steps, to never give up, and to practice.
They received a certificate at the end of it and then we caught the train back home. It was a great day out and easy on the purse. Will definitely be going back later in the holidays to complete a few other free activities they have on offer.
These photos show the kids making their dream bottles, Logan speaking his dream into his dream bottle (to be a rock star), and drawing houses for the postcards.
I took the kids up to Perth on the train to meet a friend for lunch and we were an hour early, so we took the chance to explore the Perth Library. Well Perth was buzzing with lots of free activities for the kids so we participated in a few of these. This was part of the Awesome Festival the City of Perth was hosting. The kids wrote postcards as part of the Hope Street project which the older two really enjoyed. Then they completed a dream bottle. All the kids loved this activity, especially the youngest, he was so proud of the bottle he made.
I had never heard of the Hope Street project, and yes it sounds a little creepy but I am really interested to find out if the kids get a reply or not. Ella wrote to Hope Street in Toronto, and Logan wrote to Hope Street in Christchurch. The concept I think is lovely and really shows how small the internet has made our world.
The kids had to write their dream on the label and then two steps that would help their dream come true. They then had to speak their dream into the bottle, close it, decorate it, and then put it on display with all the other kids dreams. Ella's dream was is to be a netball champion. to achieve her dream she needs to follow two steps, to never give up, and to practice.
They received a certificate at the end of it and then we caught the train back home. It was a great day out and easy on the purse. Will definitely be going back later in the holidays to complete a few other free activities they have on offer.
These photos show the kids making their dream bottles, Logan speaking his dream into his dream bottle (to be a rock star), and drawing houses for the postcards.
History on TV
Just watching a show on ABC called "Yagan". Fascinating stuff. It has been done so well and shows the history and importance of Yagan and the events leading up to Yagan's head being returned to his homeland. I love how they have used historically correct details with modern influences. Yagan's friend has tribal tattoos and cargo shorts. But these details detract nothing from the important message the program is presenting.
It is a shame this is a little too in depth for Primary school because I would love to share this with a class and discuss it with the students. At least I will now be able to tell a more accurate history about Yagan if a student asks me in the future.
(There is also a show on next week called "Buckskin" and it looks good too. I have to say that Screen Australia are producing some really good stuff at the moment. Its so good to see great modern programs about Australian History.)
It is a shame this is a little too in depth for Primary school because I would love to share this with a class and discuss it with the students. At least I will now be able to tell a more accurate history about Yagan if a student asks me in the future.
(There is also a show on next week called "Buckskin" and it looks good too. I have to say that Screen Australia are producing some really good stuff at the moment. Its so good to see great modern programs about Australian History.)
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
Fathers day
My son gave this to his dad for fathers day. I love it. It's such a great idea. His teacher is in her first year of teaching and is fantastic. She is great with the parents and kids and they are always doing fun creative work.everytime I'm in her classroom there are new learning tools being used, such as students individual spelling word placed on their own key ring. I hope to keep in contact with her as she is full of good ideas.
Wednesday, 4 September 2013
School excursion
On Friday I was lucky enough to be invited along to a year 4 excursion by the class I had for my final Professional Practice. I was very excited as this was my first school excursion as a teacher, well prac teacher and focused on my favourite subject, Australian History. We went to the Shipwreck Museum, the Dyfken replica and the Round House. At the students volunteered for me to be locked in the stocks. It was such a great day and the kids learnt so much. I was exhausted afterwards.
I was surprised that I actually learnt some really interesting new facts, even though I have been to these places several times. I discovered that the Shipwreck Museum actually holds the original De Valmingh plate which was left behind when De Vlamingh took the original Dirk Hartog Plate. I had never seen this before and felt very privileged to be seeing such a unique and interesting part of Western Australian history.
The next week at school the students wrote about their excursion and their favourite part. It was quite overwhelming to read their responses. For some it was the first time they had been to a museum, or stepped foot on a boat. To have been able to share in these memorable educational moments is what truly makes teaching worthwhile.
Below are some pictures from the excursion. The first photo shows me locked in the stocks at the Round House, and the second is a photo of me with a replica Dirk Hartog plate.
I was surprised that I actually learnt some really interesting new facts, even though I have been to these places several times. I discovered that the Shipwreck Museum actually holds the original De Valmingh plate which was left behind when De Vlamingh took the original Dirk Hartog Plate. I had never seen this before and felt very privileged to be seeing such a unique and interesting part of Western Australian history.
The next week at school the students wrote about their excursion and their favourite part. It was quite overwhelming to read their responses. For some it was the first time they had been to a museum, or stepped foot on a boat. To have been able to share in these memorable educational moments is what truly makes teaching worthwhile.
Below are some pictures from the excursion. The first photo shows me locked in the stocks at the Round House, and the second is a photo of me with a replica Dirk Hartog plate.
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Bibliotherapy and its use in the classroom.
"Bibliotherapy is the process of using books to help children think about, understand, and work through social and emotional concerns. Reading with children can be therapeutic.... Adults can use reading to help children come to grips with issues that create emotional turmoil for them. Reading can also be...very effective in preventing and resolving behaviour problems."
(from Positive Child Guidance by Darla Ferris Miller)
(from Positive Child Guidance by Darla Ferris Miller)
I had never heard of the term 'Bibliotherapy' until it came up during a lecture today. This concept fascinates me, and yet it seems so obvious. It makes me wonder why I never though of using books in this way before. After hearing about this concept I did a quick google search and came across some really good research on the use of bibliotherapy in the classroom.
Check out the links below if you are interested in learning more. Using bibliotherapy with children.
I have since started to follow a bibliotherapy board on Pinterest to start building up my resources on this topic. I will be on the look out for more comprehensive bibliotherapy resources and will update when I find some great stuff.
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
This week I have been playing with the many different formats that can be used to present videos and pictures. My favourite so far is Animoto. However, the bank manager says I cannot upgrade my account and therefore I am limited to the trial version, which, as you will all be aware, is quite limited. The graphics this software offers are amazing. I have tried a few different websites which offer similar services, but these are clearly substandard compared to Animoto.
Who would have thought that the simple slideshow could evolve into so many different forms? Prezi is another site I have been playing with and I love the visual effects created by this site. I don't know how practical its application would be but I'm sure I can find an excuse to use it sometime in the future.
I have also peeped into the world of digital storybooks, they aren't just for children any more. Having said that though I really like the pop up version from Zooburst which is aimed at younger children. Storybird offers some beautiful graphics to use for a digital storybook. I have to admit that I am yet to master the technical part of this site and so far it has gotten the better of me. I will persevere though and make a book using those whimsical graphics. Why? Because I can.
Who would have thought that the simple slideshow could evolve into so many different forms? Prezi is another site I have been playing with and I love the visual effects created by this site. I don't know how practical its application would be but I'm sure I can find an excuse to use it sometime in the future.
I have also peeped into the world of digital storybooks, they aren't just for children any more. Having said that though I really like the pop up version from Zooburst which is aimed at younger children. Storybird offers some beautiful graphics to use for a digital storybook. I have to admit that I am yet to master the technical part of this site and so far it has gotten the better of me. I will persevere though and make a book using those whimsical graphics. Why? Because I can.
Friday, 26 July 2013
Research Project
I am thinking of completing my research project on using multisensory learning activities to improve middle school students spelling abilities. I found this and thought it would be a good place to start and get ideas. I find this topic quite interesting.
<iframe src="http://prezi.com/embed/95puzwjtc1jd/?bgcolor=ffffff&lock_to_path=0&autoplay=0&autohide_ctrls=0&features=undefined&disabled_features=undefined" width="550" height="400" frameBorder="0"></iframe>
<iframe src="http://prezi.com/embed/95puzwjtc1jd/?bgcolor=ffffff&lock_to_path=0&autoplay=0&autohide_ctrls=0&features=undefined&disabled_features=undefined" width="550" height="400" frameBorder="0"></iframe>
Monday, 22 July 2013
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Unpacking a Seed (Generating Writing Ideas) <a href="http://t.co/0Eal0v0QhL">http://t.co/0Eal0v0QhL</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23edchat&src=hash">#edchat</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23learning&src=hash">#learning</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23education&src=hash">#education</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23ausvels&src=hash">#ausvels</a></p>— Aus Curric Lessons (@AusLessons) <a href="https://twitter.com/AusLessons/statuses/359244580023058433">July 22, 2013</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
I am creating a Professional Learning Network as part of my Masters degree. This is my first attempt at embedding a Twitter post into my blog. So far I managed to create my Twitter account and place a follow me button onto my blog by myself. If this work I will be so happy, LOL.
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
I am creating a Professional Learning Network as part of my Masters degree. This is my first attempt at embedding a Twitter post into my blog. So far I managed to create my Twitter account and place a follow me button onto my blog by myself. If this work I will be so happy, LOL.
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Gubblegum Fractions
The students loved making these fraction displays. This was a great activity as half the class was away at choir and the ones not in the choir were having to do fractions. The students were so proud to show them off when everyone else came back.
This is the way I like to construct my Phonics lessons.
As an extra activity students can draw pictures of their words they come up with, or my favourite, create a silly sentence using one word from each grapheme box.
As an extra activity students can draw pictures of their words they come up with, or my favourite, create a silly sentence using one word from each grapheme box.
Integrating Science and Literature
I split my science lesson into two parts, one part was interactive and the other was silent individual work. First the students interacted using a game on BBC2 which explores materials and their properties. The students used their show me boards to predict what would happen with each material.
In the second half I had the students write a story about a paper classroom. In this story they were required to write about the positives and negatives of a classroom being made out of paper. After their first drafts, the students edited their work and then produced a good copy. They included a picture of their story and their work is displayed in a plastic display folder. This allows all the students to read each others work, encourages accountability and provides students with a purpose for their writing.
In the second half I had the students write a story about a paper classroom. In this story they were required to write about the positives and negatives of a classroom being made out of paper. After their first drafts, the students edited their work and then produced a good copy. They included a picture of their story and their work is displayed in a plastic display folder. This allows all the students to read each others work, encourages accountability and provides students with a purpose for their writing.
"Iron Man" by Ted Hughes
Here are a few examples of the work that was completed during our lessons on "Iron Man."
We constructed a Plot Graph and then the students made their own in their workbooks. I then had several students draw their graphs onto the class graph. As a class we discussed the results of the graph and what they meant. The students than wrote a sentences or two onto their graph to summarize the results.
After reading the first chapter of Iron Man, students wrote what they predicted would happen in the novel and why they thought this. I also had them write down if they would be disappointed if something happened or didn't happen in the book and what this might be. After completing the book the students then went back and reviewed their prediction and wrote if they were correct or not.
As a class we read the first two pages of the novel. We then reviewed how the author described Iron Man. The students then drew a picture of Iron Man and label his different parts using the language used by the author.
After reading each chapter the students drew the main events in a comic. They used the technique of Omneopodea, which is what the author uses through out the novel.
The students constructed a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the main characters in "Iron Man"
We constructed a Plot Graph and then the students made their own in their workbooks. I then had several students draw their graphs onto the class graph. As a class we discussed the results of the graph and what they meant. The students than wrote a sentences or two onto their graph to summarize the results.
After reading the first chapter of Iron Man, students wrote what they predicted would happen in the novel and why they thought this. I also had them write down if they would be disappointed if something happened or didn't happen in the book and what this might be. After completing the book the students then went back and reviewed their prediction and wrote if they were correct or not.
As a class we read the first two pages of the novel. We then reviewed how the author described Iron Man. The students then drew a picture of Iron Man and label his different parts using the language used by the author.
After reading each chapter the students drew the main events in a comic. They used the technique of Omneopodea, which is what the author uses through out the novel.
The students constructed a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the main characters in "Iron Man"
Saturday, 22 June 2013
Pen Licence
I was busy creating a Pen Licence for the students in my prac class when my children asked if I could make one for them too. This is the version I made for them. I made the template in word so its as easy as copying and pasting their photos and typing in their names now. I have put in the school logo for the students on my prac as I don't have photos of the students. My children love them, but I can't wait to see what my mentor teacher thinks of them. Pen Licence's wont be used in the classroom until next term but I thought this would be a nice goodbye gesture as I complete my prac next week. If they go down well the other year 4 classes might use them too.
What do you think?
Front and back view of the Pen Licence. Laminated and then signed by the students in permanent marker.
What do you think?
Front and back view of the Pen Licence. Laminated and then signed by the students in permanent marker.
Friday, 14 June 2013
Morning Pictures
I found these pictures on google. I have been using them on my morning powerpoint. I put up a different picture each day and next to the picture I write up the days timetable. The students enjoy coming in and seeing what picture they get each day and the cleaver way the animals are created. I often see them trying to shape their hands to replicate the images. It makes for a good warm up for the day and introduces art and design into the classroom.
History Word Cloud
I created a word cloud to conclude the unit the class
has been studying on Early Explorers. I took the words from the Early Explorers brainstorm and the word wall to create this. I also used words from the students sticky notes reflections. This activity involved students writing down one thing that they learnt from someone else's Early Explorers report onto a sticky note and placing it on the sticky note board. These three areas provided lots of interesting words for our word cloud.
I used an anchor shape because it linked in nicely with the work we have been doing. I also printed three word clouds using the same words as there were different words highlighted in each word cloud. This looks great up on the classroom wall.
Thursday, 13 June 2013
History Year 4 - Early Explorers
This unit focused on the early explorers who came to the coast of Australia in the 1700's and 1800's. The unit started with the students brainstorming everything they knew about early explorers. These brainstorms were placed up on the display board in the classroom. The students also began a word wall so that they could write up all the words that were new to them along with their definitions. (the words are a little hard to read on the window)
After being introduced to early explorers the students undertook a research project which saw them investigate particular explorers. They completed this task in groups. After a few lessons of research and note taking they began working on their Report. These reports have also been put up in the classroom for everyone to see.
To conclude the unit on early explorers students were given a post-it note. On their post-it note they had to write their name and one thing that they learnt about an explorer. This had to be about an explorer the students did not research themselves. They were given five minutes to read the different reports. Then they wrote on their post-it note and stuck it up on the sticky note board. I collected these after the class.
A lot of students wrote about the work they were doing in history in their Friday Diary. They would often approach me telling me things they had read or learnt at home about different explorers. It was great to see the students take ownership and pride in their work. The class was always noisy during history but everyone was engaging so it was worth it.
Decorated Door
Over the past two weeks my class have been decorating their classroom door using the theme "Storm Boy" as they have just finished reading the novel.
The students drew their favourite scene from "Storm Boy" at to draw it as a polaroid photo. They then added a caption on the bottom of the photo to give their drawing some context. These were then laminated and placed around the edge of the door and along the bottom.
The students worked on the door in small groups and each group had a certain responsibility. Once group completed the water and the fish, another the hills and trees, one group completed the sand and another the pelican.
The students absolutely loved this project. They are a very arts and crafts loving classroom and were enthusiastic to contribute. Many students bring their parents into the class in the mornings or afternoons to show off their marvellous creation.
Well done kids, it looks fabulous!!
Wednesday, 5 June 2013
Organizational Ideas
Sticky Note Board -
This is an A3 piece of paper pinned up on the board. In the middle I have taped a piece of paper which has been laminated and features a question mark which is made up of smaller question marks. I have students write things on sticky notes and put them on the sticky note board after a lesson. I find it a good way to get student reflections on a lesson or idea. It can also be a good assessment check at the end of a lesson.
So far I have used it after introducing the Friday Diary. I had students write on a post it note what they think their parents would write back to them in response to their diary entry. They stuck their sticky notes up on the way out the door at the end of the lesson. Then I collected up the sticky notes and put them into my daily notebook. Now I have a permanent record of student responses to the Friday Diary.
there are so many way to use this sticky note board and sticky notes are so cheap, colourful and versatile.
Power Point Print Outs -
In my classroom we have a chalk board and a projector. I find power points useful to put up information about what students can do once they finish or to show how I want pages to be ruled up in their workbooks. I also have a welcome slide up on the board in the morning for when the students come into the class. This has the date, the class schedule for the day, workbook that students need to get out ready for the day, and a funny animal picture to kick things off. (great for students who are beginning to use inferring during lessons) - ask what are the animals doing - why is it funny.
so that I can keep track of what I have planned on the power point I print out my slides. I find this a great reminder of what is going to be happening during the week or the days ahead.
Classroom Management
For positive reinforcement in my class I really like to use the raffle box. It is a cheap way of rewarding good behaviour and the students really love it.
I buy a book of raffle tickets, you can get these for as little as 60c from the newsagent. I hand them out to students who are displaying positive behaviour, such as getting on with their work, listening well or following directions properly. the students write their names on the raffle ticket and place it into the raffle box. This is a box I made by cutting a hole in the top and covering it in bright fabric. I managed to pick this up from the off cuts basket at Spotlight for a few dollars. At the end of the week I draw out four names. These students are able to select a prize from the prize box. this means that every student have the opportunity to chose a prize as long as they earn a ticket during the week. Those students who earn more tickets increase their chances of earning a prize at the end of the week.
Because the students write their names on the tickets I can use both sides which reduces the cost more. I have a range of prizes in my prize box. I don't buy anything over $1 and most of the prizes come from the Reject Shop, Red Dot or Kmart. they are mostly stationary based, but some small toys are in there also. I hand out as many as 20 tickets a day so the students have plenty of opportunities to earn tickets and they are constantly rewarded during the day.
Set up cost - $30 to fill the prize box, fabric $3, box $5
Running cost - 60c a weeks worth of raffle tickets, $3 to top up prize box.
Cost for a term - $36 approx. (all tax deductable by the way)
Having a well behaved classroom - priceless
My counter bell. I picked this bell up for around $10 from the newsagency. I stuck a few stars on it so it didn't look too boring. I leave it on the table next to my desk. It has a really clear ring. You can gently tap the top or give it a hard slam depending on what sort of response you want to get from your class. I really like it, and have had a few reliefs come into the classroom and they have found it works well too. This is now the primary bell used in the classroom. However, I don't have to use it much as the class is pretty well behaved and I can get their attention quite easily.
The pop stick idea was given to me by another student teacher. I have written the names of the students in the class on one end. On the other end I have placed a purple do on the other end so I can easily recognise which ones have not been selected yet. When it comes to asking students questions I pull out a name from the cup and turn it around and place it back. I provide the students with the option to pass so they don't feel stressed if they can't answer a question. In this case I just place the pop stick back in with the name down ready to pull out at another time. This gives the students motivation to listen and shares to responsibility of answering questions evenly amongst students. (However, I tried this with a brainstorm and it didn't work)... but works great in other question/answer situations.
Saturday, 20 April 2013
Hey Everyone,
I've started my last Professional Practice. This time I am in a lovely year 4 class at a great school. One of the ideas I am going to try on my Prac it the "Friday Journal." Below is a picture of what I have created for the students. You will notice I renamed to journals "My School Journal." This was done just in case there wasn't enough time to incorporate the journals on Friday and it had to be Thursday afternoon instead.
I found the notebooks at Officeworks for 20c each, bargain. I cut up some scrapbooking paper to help individualise the journals and to make the labels stand out. The journals have also been covered in contact to ensure they survive the journeys to and from school. On the inside cover I have placed an information sheet for the parents to read. This shows parents what the journals are for and how they can participate in writing comments back to their children. A great idea I found on Pinterest. I haven't put these in the journals yet. I thought I would go over the explanation sheet with the students first and have them glue it into their own journal. This saves me some time and also gives me the opportunity to explain how the journals work to the students. I have complete the first journal as an example (I did a terrible job on contacting this book but still wanted to put it to some good use).
"My School Journal"
Hopefully this journal will allow me to complete some of the goals I must achieve during my Prac as well as the yearly curriculum requirements. Year 4 students need to learn how to write journal entries. Once I have given the students a run through on what a journal entry is and how to write one, then they can practice in their own journal. It also provided that essential communication between student and parent and informs parents about what their child is learning in the classroom. As part of my Prac I have to show that I have communicated with the students parents in some way. Hopefully this will also meet that requirement.
I'll give it a few weeks and then post again about how the journals worked within the classroom. My mentor teacher thinks they will work and that the parents will love them. I think they will be really good too, but only time will tell.
**** Friday Diary Update****
After having to look at the original diary covers for a few days I decided that they really didn't cut the cake. So I spent some time designing a new cover that I was sure would excite the students and see them busting to write in their diaries. This is obviously based on the popular children's books "Diary of a Wimpy Kid." (what year 4 doesn't like this book???)
As predicted the students loved it. They couldn't wait to begin their new diary. They have all been busy colouring in their covers to personalize them. I have even had a parent in the classroom to say how great they think the covers are. Lots of parents have said that they loved the idea of a Friday Diary and I would highly recommend this idea to all teachers.
Having said that though I am still waiting on half the class to get their parents to write comments on their entry. However, I am thinking that this might improve as the routine of a Friday diary becomes established. (Most of the students LOVED the idea that their parents had homework they had to do.)

I had students glue this on the inside cover of their diaries to help explain the concept to parents.
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
I'm so in love with Pinterest at the moment. There are so many great ideas that I can use in the classroom or just to organize myself.
I've already created several boards to pin things onto, one for maths, literacy, writing prompts, organization, art and science ideas and there is heaps more. I've found it a great place to start when I am looking for a new idea or just to explore the possibilities of what can be done with students in the classroom.
My favourite board would have to be the "Bits and Bobs" board. This is where I have placed all the ideas that don't really fit anywhere particular, but also ideas that could be included in several of the boards.
If you haven't jumped on the Pinterest band wagon yet, then I strongly suggest you do. Especially if you are a teacher or student teacher like me. It has also lead me to several amazing teacher's blogs which have provided heaps of good advice for my prac and future teaching experiences.
Facebook??? Facebook who??? who cares about what you had for dinner or how you look in the mirror, I'm a full Pinterest convert and dare I say ..... Totally Addicted!!
I've already created several boards to pin things onto, one for maths, literacy, writing prompts, organization, art and science ideas and there is heaps more. I've found it a great place to start when I am looking for a new idea or just to explore the possibilities of what can be done with students in the classroom.
My favourite board would have to be the "Bits and Bobs" board. This is where I have placed all the ideas that don't really fit anywhere particular, but also ideas that could be included in several of the boards.
If you haven't jumped on the Pinterest band wagon yet, then I strongly suggest you do. Especially if you are a teacher or student teacher like me. It has also lead me to several amazing teacher's blogs which have provided heaps of good advice for my prac and future teaching experiences.
Facebook??? Facebook who??? who cares about what you had for dinner or how you look in the mirror, I'm a full Pinterest convert and dare I say ..... Totally Addicted!!
Wednesday, 3 April 2013
Literacy. Reading bike magazines
You can pick up free monthly magazines from motorbike shops. Great for those children keen on all things wheels and motors. Also includes heaps of colour pages for collage projects.
Welcome to my new blog.
Student Grouping Cards
Below is a link to some reproducible cards that can be used to group students. The one set of cards can help group students into pairs, a group of four, five or six, or separate the class into four groups or two.
The uses for these cards are endless. Check them out and let me know what you think.
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